The Sundowner (Half Iron Distance).

The Sundowner Half Ironman, the event name at least sounds…….sunny? The Chuck-it-Downer would be a more accurate description of last weekend’s racing.

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The Mac lads (Martin McLoughlin and Ciaran McDonald) IMUK Report

IM UK 2016 race report


This is more of a journey than a race report really, from deciding to commit to the race until the finish line. It’s a bit long so grab a coffee, a beer or whatever, you may need it to stay awake. I do apologise……….

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Steve Clark – Norseman 2016. Chase to race for Black


Wow where do I start maybe with the race directors opening lines in the Briefing “this is not a race it’s an adventure”

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Chair to Ironman – Nickys IMUK race report

A lot of you reading this will be aware of my experience last year at the Outlaw, following that I had a choice to make…do I forget my dream or pick myself up and get on with it…I went with the latter!!

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Klamping at IMAustria with Richard Anness

My Ironman journey started last year, when it seemed a good idea to join a group of Lincsquaders who had signed up for IM Austria.  So it became a winter of base training many wet rides and getting into a routine of swimming before work.  I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to New Zealand in February to do Wanaka 70.3.  This gave me a real marker of progress, and realisation that I had a lot more work to do. There was no way could I of done a second lap of that bike route. Continue reading

Youth Academy Training – LTAD framework accepted

Following the end of the consultation period, the Youth Committee has voted to accept the Long Term Athlete Development framework as its training programme. The coaching staff will now work to build up the details over the next few months.


Sofa to Stafford by Darren Scutt

On 12th July 2016 I completed the Staffordshire Ironman 70.3 in 6hrs 34mins. Why am I delighted by this? Well go back nearly 3 years. An overweight (18.8st) 45 year old Sales Manager with high blood pressure and above normal Cholesterol decided that sitting on his rear all day was not good for him, what to do? Continue reading

Capt Chaos, Crabbman and Slateman Savages

(Apologies for the lack of pics – we’re having issues with WordPress that is taking some sorting!)

Slateman 2016 by Gareth Crabb

Got a spare 15 mins? Grab a chair, a drink and have a read.  The Slateman journey started as many other race pacts…at an award ceremony fuelled with alcohol. ‘Take a Gander’ for summer Duathlon’s prize giving was the venue with a few of the usual suspects present, full of bravado, all giving the nod for this outing to Wales.

The eventual Lincsquad list for the Savage included Gary Horner, Mark Connolly, Paul Mcewan, Malc Marshall, Richard Anness and myself.  Competing in the Full distance were Rob Marshall and Steve Cannings.

So there was the line up, none of Lincsquad’s elite but a spirited, handsome bunch determined to do the club proud. Continue reading

11 year old Jacob Riby takes on C2C for charity

My name is Jacob and am a member of the Youth Team at Lincsquad.

On the 28th May, I am going to be cycling the Coast to Coast (160miles) from St Bees to Whitby with my dad over 3 days. This will be a tough but rewarding challenge for me as I have never cycled this far over 3 days without a break in between!
I am doing this to raise money for the When You Wish Upon A Star Charity and any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated for this great charity that helped my friends little sister when she had cancer . Thank you x


Sue Szenher’s Kalmar AG Duathlon report

3As Jane Taylor said in her EU Duathlon Championship report, the experience was indeed surreal. Since Jane has done such a great job of describing the experience of being in Kalkar with the British Age Group Team, I thought I would write about my duathlon journey and how I came to be there. Continue reading