
Where: Quibell Park, Scunthorpe
When: Mondays 18:30 to 19:30hrs. Please arrive by 18:20hrs to register.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: £2.50 via RiderHQ
These are full club sessions run on the athletics track. Every few weeks though the senior group goes off site to focus on hill reps.
Please note that the minimum age for running is 8 years of age by the 31st of December, this is to ensure that we comply with the insurance requirements of British Triathlon.
Wear suitable running gear with a jacket/top and tights/bottoms according to condition. Your ordinary running shoes will be suitable for these session.
Don’t forget to a bring a drink and your membership card

Where: Venues vary, see RiderHQ booking page for latest details.
When: Wednesdays 18:30 to 19:30hrs.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: Free, we do though require that you register for the session via RiderHQ
Group road run sessions are in place through the winter with members given prescribed routes/ distances to follow.
Wear suitable running gear with a jacket/top and tights/bottoms according to condition. Your ordinary running shoes will be suitable for these session.
Any person under 18 should be supervised by an adult, who is taking responsibility for their health and safety, i.e. Parent or guardian role. For our youth members the following distance ranges should be adhered to if taking part:
- 8 Years 200m-1km
- 9-12 Years 500m-2km
- 13-16 Years 500m-3km
- 16-19 Years 1km-5km
Don’t forget to a bring a drink and your membership card
The club operates a pre-booking system for its coached sessions. Please contact our membership secretary to seek advice about how to attend if you are looking to join LincsQuad by emailing to
Click below to book onto a training session. Don’t forget to a bring a drink and your membership card to the sessions.
To join our club please visit our Membership page