Where: The Pods, Scunthorpe
When: Sundays 16:00 to 17:00hrs
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: £2.50 via RiderHQ
These are full club sessions aimed at improving swim technique by using swim drills within a structured training plan. You should register from 15:50hrs and be ready poolside at 16:00hrs.
If you have fins, paddles and pull bouys please bring them with you.

Where: Ancholme Leisure Centre, Brigg
When: Tuesdays 20:00 to 21:00hrs
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: £2.50 via RiderHQ
Currently suspended until further notice
We have two lanes set aside at ALC offering coached and non-coached options for our members with the latter allowing you to focus on key areas you are working on.

To take part in our swim sessions you must be able to demonstrate that you can swim at least 50 meters without stopping, touching the side or bottom of the pool in a recognised front stroke to the satisfaction of our coaches.
The club operates a pre-booking system for its coached sessions. Please contact our membership secretary to seek advice about how to attend if you are looking to join LincsQuad by emailing to LincsquadMemberships@gmail.com
Click below to book onto a training session. Don’t forget to a bring a drink and your membership card to the sessions.
To join our club please visit our Membership page