AGM 2016

As per our club constitution our Annual General Meeting will be held at Arties Mill WEDNESDAY 13th January 2016 at 1930hrs. Tea and coffee provided.

Agenda will be;

  • Opening address from Chair NR
  • Secretary Report DH
  • Treasurer Report SD
  • Nomination and Appointment of accounts auditor
  • Membership Report SJ
  • Coaching Secretary Report
  • 2015 Committee Stand down
  • Nominations and election of 2016 Committee
  • Constitution to be approved by members
  • 2016 Events and Events Committee
  • Training sessions
  • AOB

The draft of the updated Constitution is attached. This will be presented for approval at the meeting so members will need to be happy with the content.

Please contact to include items on the agenda.

Thank you.

Constitution draft proposal for member review 2016