TT Report Rd 5 “Ride it like you stole it” (Lee Sutton)

14 of our 37 racers on the 06/06/18 did just that!  The roll call of PB glory includes S Quirke, Stuart Grocock, Smart and Smart (tandem), Jane Taylor, Dave Gibbs, Camilla Morgan, Vikki Wilson, Malcolm Dent, Simon Wilson, Richard Murgatroyd, Shirley Hall, Valerie Scutt and Chery Orr.  Ben Creasey equalled his PB!  Fantastic work and congratulations to all!  The mustard was truly off the hot dog for these racers!

Conditions were mild; it was overcast with gentle wind speeds of 9mph.  Dominating the time trial and coming in first for the gentlemen was Steve Grocock.  Jane Taylor of Lincsquad earned first place for the ladies.  Both Ben Creasey and Camilla Morgan put in strong performances to claim second places respectively for the men and ladies.  Pushing hard into 3rd place for the men was S Quirke, while racing against the ever ticking hands of the clock into 3rd place for the ladies was Vikki Wilson.  In the words of David Duffield, the fifth round of the TT series was like “Wimbledon, Ascot and Silverstone all wrapped in together and plonked in the middle of Paris!  Amazing!”  Except we were indeed at Scawby Brook using the King Billy IV pub as headquarters (but you get the idea)…….

Going quickly with a capital K was our “on the spot” winner (David Stow) whose time matched Pam’s and he won a bike lock!  Congrats David!

Bridge to engine room; we need more power, so our first tandem ridden by Smart and Smart did just that!

Like giving Dracula the keys to the bloodbank our remaining TTers sped along the course with two thoughts on their mind….the raffle to be drawn when the last rider came home, and also the draw for the relay teams.   The raffle prize of a Tshirt was kindly donated by S Grocock and won by Kev Lovett.  Tony England has drawn and published the relay teams and we wish you all good luck.

Special thanks to Kev Wilson of Racing Team Dawson for stepping in last minute to be our holder upperer on the night.  Thanks also to the marshalling team, V Howden, J Findley, C Gibbs and J Challen.  Thanks as always to our sparkling time keeping team and Rob for handling the money.  Big shout out to W Beedham for all your help and finally thanks to the King Billy pub for being excellent hosts.

Same time same place for round 6…..see you all then.

Thanks Pam

TT sec

Note from the Chair!

Hello TTer’s. This is just a reminder of the rules regarding drafting which have been copied from the CTT rule book and pasted below.

21. Paced & Company Riding
Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted and not ride in company or take shelter (commonly known as drafting) from other riders or vehicles. A competitor overtaking another must pass without receiving or giving shelter. The onus of avoiding company riding shall be upon the rider overtaken.

Footnote: Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted and not ride in company or take shelter (commonly known as drafting) from another rider or vehicles.
If you should catch up another rider you should try to pass as quickly as possible and must not in any other circumstances ride close behind so that you take shelter from the wind.
You must set your own pace and not use another rider as a pace maker. The onus on avoiding company riding shall be on the rider overtaken.
Nor is it in order to ride alongside and even to ride a few metres behind for any appreciable distance. In the spirit of the sport, caught riders should not disturb the performance of the rider catching them by repassing and/or riding closely behind them, except when they can sustain that move. This is generally considered to mean that the caught rider should allow a reasonable gap to develop of some 30 to 50 yards/metres.

22. Use of Motor Vehicles

(a) A competitor shall not be preceded, accompanied, followed by or in anyway receive assistance from a motorised vehicle or its occupants, except in events at distances of 100km or more to assist with a competitor’s reasonable feeding and other requirements.

(b) In International selection events the Board may authorise motorised vehicles for the observance of a competitor(s).

(c) Where vehicles are to be authorised a full description of the vehicle and registration number shall be given to the event promoter prior to the start of the competitor. A competitor shall not be overtaken by his support vehicle more frequently than once every 10 miles. Where possible the vehicle must be driven at normal traffic speed and must not follow the competitor, nor impede or annoy other competitors. Any competitor whose authorised vehicle impedes or causes annoyance to any other competitor shall be liable to disqualification from the event. Where any other vehicle precedes or follows for any length of time, or frequently passes a competitor, that vehicle shall be deemed to be associated with that competitor who shall be liable to disqualification from the event.

If you encounter a slower vehicle and are unable to safely pass you MUST drop back to the above mentioned 30m distance. If you subsequently catch the vehicle then this means unfortunately you will again have to either safely pass or drop back.

Thank you.

David Hinch

Chair 2018


position name Race no Club time
1 Steve Grocock 35 Lincsquad 22:01
2 Ben Creasey 36 Lincsquad 22:08
3 S Quirke 12 Lincsquad 22:17
4 M Clark 20 LRCC 23:07
5 David Hinch  25 Lincsquad 23:25
6 Stuart Grocock 34 Lincsquad 23:40
7 N Stones 15 Scun RC 24:00
8 Chris Ware 6 53Eleven 24:15
9 Paul and Catherine Smart 32 Lincsquad  24:16
10  Kev Lovett 37 Lincsquad 24:21
11 Simon Beedham 24 Lincsquad 24:27
12 Neil Hall 8 Lincsquad 24:40
13 Dan Ellis  9 Lincsquad 25:09
14 Jane Taylor F 31 Lincsquad 25:20
15 Dave Gibbs 30 Lincsquad 25:34
16  D Scutt 23 Lincsquad 25:59
17 Tony England 7 Lincsquad  26:20
18 C Morgan F 33 Lincsquad 26:30
19 Mark Turner 21 LRCC 26:37
20  Vikki Wilson F 26 Lincsquad 26:41
21 Darren Hepworth 22 Lincsquad 26:45
22  F Fisk F 17 Lincsquad 27:09
23 Kevin Cooper 37 Lincsquad 27:11
24  Malcolm Dent 28 Lincsquad  27:13
25 Lindsey Heath  F 11 Lincsquad 27:24
26 Tori Smaller F 10 Lincsquad 28:07
27  Simon Wilson 27 Lincsquad 28:12
28 = Pam Challen F 5 Lincsquad 29:07
28 = David Stow 16 Lincsquad 29:07
30 Richard Murgatroyd 29 Lincsquad 29:52
31 Sue Smith F 2 C and T 29:54
32 R Ayton 18  C and T  30:15
33 Shirley Hall  F 1 Lincsquad 30:27
34 Julie England F 3 Lincsquad 31:10
35 Walter Kent 19 Lincsquad  32:40
3 6 Katie Scutt F 14 Lincsquad 36:31
37 Cheryl Orr F 4 Lincsquad 37:40