This bike helmet saved my life

Steve Clark with the remains of his broken cycle helmet, which helped save his life!

Steve Clarks recent accident involving a bus has re-opened an age old debate on whether cycle helmets should be made compulsary.

British quadrathlon champion Steve Clark, from Bottesford, was involved in a collision with a bus when on a 30-mile training ride.

He escaped with minor injuries, but said it would have been much worse without the helmet.

You can read more of the story in the Scunthorpe Telegraph

At Lincsquad we strongly recommend the use of helmets, however they are not compulsary when training. In most of our organised events and races they are compulsary both in view of safety and also to satisfy rules laid out by the specific governing body related to an event. This is also becoming a stipulation laid out by many of the event insurance providers.

I personally prefer to wear a helmet and also hope that this sets an example to my children, and although I agree that it’s an individuals choice and should remain that way I am an advocate of”wearing a helmet”