Sunday 11th November saw Lincsquad out in force for Scunthorpe AC’s annual cross country at Quibell Park. For some members it was their first every foray into cross country, and others hadn’t run XC snce their school days.
Club members approached the start line with varying levels of enthusiasm and confidence, but the team spirit shown was phenomenal from beginning to end. We cheered, we ate cake, we laughed, nobody cried (at least I’m fairly certain they didn’t), and a good day was had by all.
Well done to everybody who took part. Special mention to Ben Goodhand, Freddie Gibbs and Alfie Whittaker, for being second team home in the U11 Boys race, and also to Cathy Walsh for the leaps and bounds (pun intended) that she’s made in her running, and for tackling that brutal course in fine style.
If you missed this hill-slogging, tussock -jumping, cake-eating extravaganza then Barton Open XC is in January.