Duathlon Results 3rd May

The date: Wednesday 3rd May

The venue: Burringham

The weather: Cold and a strong wind leading to tough conditions even for the more seasoned athletes.

The quantity: 62 athletes completed the 2 – 11 -2 handicap challenge.

The quality: once again the quality of the performances was very high and the results reflecting just how tight things are this year and not just at the top of the table but right the way through.

Handicap: this was indeed the charity handicap race, apologies to those who wanted to donate to the charity (we forgot the donation tin) however we will be accepting donations at the next training race (17th May at Burringham). The winners of the handicap will not be announced until the presentation night. There was less than 6 minutes separating the men and only 4 minutes in the ladies results once the handicaps had been applied.

Results: please see the attached (printed version will be available). Should you have any comments or queries relating to the results please contact me direct at jeff.chappill@hotmail.com (not via the forum).

NOTE: we can confirm that the Barton training race WILL take place this year 31st May 2017 with a slightly later start time of 7pm.

Once again a big thanks to all Marshals (Wayne, Sandra, Vicky, Dawn, Rachel, Chris and Rita) without you guys these events would not be possible.

Also a big thank you to our friends at Lincsquad for posting the results

Click for race 3 results