After the successful Tony England’s Virtual Marathon event in April where 20 members joined in with running part of the 26.2 mile, keeping everyone updated through social media, with photos, posts and videos, I started thinking about what could we get up to in May….
My former Captain from Thunder Run 2018, Graham Ellwood had posted to say that he’d seen someone doing and Odd and Evens Challenge so I thought let us have a go at that!

So on Sunday the 17th May adult and youth members joined in to complete this challenge within the government guidelines of social distancing of course!
So this is how it worked… there were two teams, 1 team made up of adults and youths born in an ODD numbered year (ME!) and 1 team made up of adults and youths born in an EVEN numbered year (Roo!). Game on, I would be in an opposing team to hubby Roo so the challenge was up’d!
Between the hours of 09:00 and 19:00 the plan was for everyone to run or/and walk up to no longer than one hour then share their distance for an overall tally. The longest distance covered by a team would get a prize. I’d put a special request into the Committee who were more than happy to support this.
To add to the challenge the adult or youth who completed their event with the daftest prop could be in for winning a prize. Youth Member’s parents and guardians please watch out for an email coming for the youth academy to vote for the winner soon!
The morning of the event arrived, Si Leek and Team Porters could not contain their excitement and started the event before the start time. Starting the day as the ODD team captain I had a barrier to overcome as there was 15 members in the Evens team and 10 in the ODD. So come to the rescue came Pepper Hobley who was declared as a great asset to the team, surely running on 4 legs could count double to running on 2 legs? Hey I was free to create what “rules” I could to fill the gap.
At 11:30 on the day, 5 out of the 25 had completed their event. I was still sat in the armchair with my popcorn watching the days events occur… At 14:00 we had reached over 50 miles covered from walking, jogging, running or even skipping I heard.
Hey Wal Kent even threw in a plank.. surely that should have given an extra bonus for the ODDS? Erm nope. Hot of the press was that Malcolm Dent smashed it and completed his longest run, surely that should have given an extra bonus for the ODDS too? Erm Nope
So at what point would I get my trainers on and take my prop out to play? (those who know me, know I am the social kind of member, not the one aiming for any race team, but what is great about this club is both types and many other variants left, right and centre are welcomed with golden arms – virtually at the moment)
I made the decision that I was to be the tail walker as if I was bringing up the back of the Parkrun therefore I set off at 16:00 heading on the Beck and up towards Messingham. I was excited to see that one of our Youth Members Libby March-Jones was just completing her bit with her Mum. I’ll not tell anyone that Libby was happy to walk home but Mum was that shattered that they called Dad up to collect them.
There were amazing props brought along for the challenge, I’ve got to say that the Youths put in the most effort, great stuff Issac Wilson, Eve Turner, Libby March-Jones and Freya Hobley.
By 17:00 the challenge was over so I need to wait to get the results in…. We totalled just short of 100 miles with 25 plus Pepper taking part and…….

Thanks for joining me, Roo, Janine Turner, Mark Turner, George Turner, Eve Turner, Dawn Porter, Brad Porter, Si Leek, Drew Hobley, Freya Hobley, Pepper Hobley, Issac Wilson, Libby March-Jones and Mum, Ben Goodhand, Tony England, Julie England, Wal Kent, Katie Scutt, Isabel Turkington, Rich Turkington, Xav Turkington, Raphi Turkington and Malcom Dent.
So what challenge can we do next? We’ve done something in April and May so what’s coming in June?
Anyone got any suggestions? If so please contact the committee!