This month’s Q&A with Lincsquad’s Youth member Will Walsh.

Will Walsh is Lincsquad’s first youth to feature in the monthly Q&A’s and it’s been quite a pleasure. Will has crossed over from racing to coaching relating to the kids in a way that can only come from, well ….a youth (apologies to the more mature coaches , no offence). Another feather in Will’s cap (as well as being a music journalist) is his position on the National Youth Executive panel.

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Jane Taylor ETU Duathlon Championships.

The only word for the experience is surreal.  This was because

  1. It seemed utterly bizarre to be representing GB to the point where I never really believed it was happening.
  2. The setting was so extraordinary.  The GB Hotel and HQ had to be seen to be fully comprehended but had the quality, not exactly of a dream, more of a nightmare. We spent a lot of time hanging about Wunderland and it never lost its strangeness.  Both Suzanne and I had opted for accommodation off site and I think it is to this choice that we owe returning with our sanity largely intact.

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Once again we were treated to another evening of dry and relatively calm conditions for our second TT of the year. It was chilly though!

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TT’s Are Back!

Hello TT’ers! It doesn’t seem 5 minutes since we last pushed our lungs, legs and minds to their limits in search of that ever elusive PB on our 9.7 miles course of pain inducing tarmac. It’s great to be back isn’t it!

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A big ‘Thank you’ to Ann Wood.

1934706_10153269297721534_8850422683769444692_n[1]Here is the lovely Ann Wood, who we today presented with this Lincsquad hoodie, in recognition of the amazing work she does marshalling at our events.
Next time you are racing, remember all the people like Ann who give up their time to make it happen.


This Month’s Q&A with Chris Gibbs.

It’s quite possible that unless you have raced in the same races as Chris you may have only seen his name when looking at your weekly Strava results. His name is invariably nestled toward the top, usually between a few athletes that are at a training camp or cycling holiday. Of course if you’ve hung around until the end of any of our local triathlons you will remember this familiar figure collecting the age group trophies. This week (and for a change) I managed to catch up with the quiet man of Lincsquad and was keen for some motivational advice……….
You’ve won Lincsquads’ ‘Most motivated to Train’ Award for the last couple of years now. What’s your secret and how do you remain so motivated?

AGM 2016

As per our club constitution our Annual General Meeting will be held at Arties Mill WEDNESDAY 13th January 2016 at 1930hrs. Tea and coffee provided.

Agenda will be;

  • Opening address from Chair NR
  • Secretary Report DH
  • Treasurer Report SD
  • Nomination and Appointment of accounts auditor
  • Membership Report SJ
  • Coaching Secretary Report
  • 2015 Committee Stand down
  • Nominations and election of 2016 Committee
  • Constitution to be approved by members
  • 2016 Events and Events Committee
  • Training sessions
  • AOB

The draft of the updated Constitution is attached. This will be presented for approval at the meeting so members will need to be happy with the content.

Please contact to include items on the agenda.

Thank you.

Constitution draft proposal for member review 2016

Lincsquad’s Q&A with Sue Hoare.

It’s with great pleasure that I had the chance to interview Sue Hoare, (Lincsquad’s very own Beryl Burton) for this month’s Q&A. You only have to see Sue at Sportives to realise that cycling has been a big influence in both her and late husband Donald’s life. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Continue reading

Shona Cannings Great North Run – The Destination.

In true Lincsquad tradition any race has to involve camping so off we went up to the Toon in the rain. Kerry had given us all the info we needed so we were booked on a campsite close to the finish line in South Shields and set off in the rain on Sat. Once we hit the North East we started seeing the road closures signs and banners for the Great North Run and it became very real.

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Shona Cannings Great North Run – The Journey

2nd August 2014 and I turned 49 I knew this was going to be a challenging year ahead. Youngest son Torin off to Uni so family life was changing forever. I also always had in my mind that I needed to do something special to celebrate reaching my half century – this was all the more important to me as my Dad died just a week before he reached 50 of an undiagnosed cardiac problem.

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