I enjoy it, it really isn’t a chore
It’s very rare you don’t feature at the very top of the Lincsquad’s Strava group’s ‘ Most training hours’ week in week out, 20 hours training a week being the norm, do you ever struggle with motivation and sometimes think….s*d It!!
Occasionally yeah I do say s*d it in the morning……….. but then spend the rest of the day regretting it.
Despite all your mileage you rarely get involved in group rides/runs, do you prefer to train solo?
I incorporate a lot of training in with commuting to work and back, other stuff is dependent on how I’m feeling, as most of it is pretty adhoc is difficult to attend group sessions.
I know what it’s like having family members also into the sport. What’s it like having one of your closest rivals being your brother Phil? What’s the banter like?
We don’t have a massive family rivalry although when we compete in the same event we usually finish only seconds apart.
Forgive me for pointing it out but you got into multi-sport rather later in life than most, yet performances seem to be improving. 3rd place overall in an unbelievable time of 2:50:17 at the Mablethorpe Marathon late last year being just one of many examples.
30 years too late to be exact. Don’t know the secret to improving performance I just hope it keeps going. Mablethorpe Marathon was the highlight of the year, everything dropped into place, unhampered training, injury free. I felt good, no wind, cool but not cold and a flat course. My target was sub 3 hours so bettering it by 10 minutes was great and of course the podium position was a big bonus.

‘Most Motivated to Train’ Chris has made this award his own.
•How did you find yourself getting involved in the sport?
My brother challenged me to have a go at the Brigg Sprint 2008. I could only just swim to save my life at the time. I don’t think I’ve missed one since.
• What’s your preference …..Run, Bike ,Kayak, Swim?
In order, Run, Swim, Bike, I’m not really bothered if I don’t get in a Kayak again.
. So where’s your favorite place to train?
Running in Mauritius early mornings take some beating, swimming in the sea there was quite pleasant as well.
• Proudest Sporting Achievements?
Finishing my first Iron Distance Triathlon, Outlaw 2012, Sub 11 hours and emotionally wrecked! What a feeling..Sub 10 this year, I wish.

A beer after the Outlaw 2015, Chris’ second Iron distance race.
• Favourite Film?
Airplane and Life of Brian.
• Best advice received and by whom?..
My brother Phil told me to forget about kicking my legs when swimming.
• What has life taught you that you can pass on to the junior members of the club?
Don’t spend your best years chasing alcohol, OK just a little bit.
• Your Sporting hero/inspiration?
Roy Keane
• Something not many people know about you?
I’ve been sent off by the same referee that has also sent off Roy Keane (not in the same game).
• Your dream job?
Beach bed attendant, Lindos
• 3 x Dream dinner party guests.
Eric Cantona, David Beckham, Sir Alex.
• Favourite meal and where?
Jalfrezi. Most Indians, oh and anything with chocolate on or in it.
• Your most treasured multi-sport possession?
Garmin 310. I would update it but its taken me 4 years to master the controls on this model.