Unlike the name suggests Ironman Barcelona actually starts and finishes in the coastal town of Calella and stealing a glance at the horizon whilst enjoying the fast bike course is as close as you’ll get to the Catalan capital. This is by no means a negative thing. The host town makes for a great holiday especially for those staying a few extra days on the sunbeds to lick their wounds post-race. It is still an Ironman though. I guess Ironman Calella doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Oct 15
Ironman Barcelona 2015
Sep 26
Ironman Wales by Delyth Williams
Barry, the NHS and my first Ironman
There are certain events in your life time that will stand out forever; your first Ironman is one of those events.
My journey began after watching Ironman Wales in September 2014, I was in awe of how tough the course was, and how hard core the athletes were to even contemplate completing it, I was staying with a friend local to Tenby at the time, so as I jogged home to her house, I started thinking whether or not I could ever do something as crazy as a full Ironman.
A few weeks later and after many hours of witty banter from the Welsh contingent, of why Ironman Wales was for me, I found myself signing up for Ironman Wales 2015. I remember the “morning after the night before” vividly, had I really signed up for Ironman Wales last night? I wasn’t even drunk, what have I done! Continue reading
Sep 14
Helvellen Triathlon Race Report by Phil Gibbs.
The last time I wrote a race report was for Wetherby Olympic Tri in 2012 so after a prompt from Dave Hinch I thought it was time I got my typing finger out! The other reason is to let you guys know about a truly great event that should really feature on your bucket list. Grab yourself a cuppa, it’s a long read. Continue reading
Sep 10
The Sundowner Half Ironman.
The relevance of the name ‘Sundowner’ probably needs more explanation to those that haven’t done this race before. Most races involve setting your alarm clock and rushing, still bleary eyed to race briefing for 07:30.
Not this one! This race starts at the more friendly hour of midday. This is great for getting your kit and race prep down to the finest detail but aren’t you just prolonging the inevitable………….. The fact you have an Half Ironman to do before the Sun comes down? Continue reading
Sep 09
Final Go Ride of the Season – 6th September 2015, Glanford Park
The 6th and final Go Ride race was held as part of the Lincolnshire’s Strongest Men and Women competition at Glanford Park and again we were lucky with the weather
Link to full report, times and photos in the Youth News Section
Aug 29
England result at Holme (Pierpoint) – Team Relays Race Report
It all started when Tony said ‘how do you fancy a weekend in Nottingham in August?’ oh yes I thought, it’s a great place for shopping ‘it’s the National Triathlon relay weekend and Ollie is organising teams from Lincsquad. We can all camp together, it’ll be a brilliant weekend’ Camping?? Triathlon?? Camping?? I don’t know what scared me the most… Continue reading
Aug 29
Anna Gibbs playing chicken with geese at Team Relays.
Standing brushing my teeth on Sunday morning I looked into the mirror to see an equally nervous and sick looking Shona behind me, half an hour later Julie wandered across with Tony towards our tent looking green. These were definitely not the same three people that the night before had been joking about carb loading and enjoying the party spirit. This was now real and about to actually happen!!! Continue reading
Jul 28
Keyo Brigg Bomber Team Hay Artemis Great Kindrochit Quad
Anyone who was at this years Keyo Brigg Bomber would ‘ve noticed the group of newbies who laughed and smiled their way around this years Bomber course which they were using as prep for their A race – The Artemis Great Kindrochit Quad.
Here is their race report.
Jul 26
Garyoke Ironman Bolton 2015
“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you”
Never a truer word said, after feeling pretty pleased with myself last year after entering Ironman UK the race came thundering like a runaway juggernaught, thoughts of what am I doing? I haven’t trained enough, what happens if I get a puncture and I cant fix it were all going through my head the week before the big race making me a gibbering wreck!! Continue reading
Jul 23
Awesome Lawsons Hilly Hathersage tri
The Hathersage Hilly Triathlon 2015 – Andrew Lawson’s Race Report
With the possible exception of Lincsquad’s own Brigg Sprint, the Hathersage Hilly is my favourite triathlon – I do like hills and as it says on the tee shirt, “It’s not flat”. The scenery is beautiful and there’s a friendly atmosphere. It’s quite a challenging course – The Sufferfest is one of the sponsors and whilst quite a few sprint triathlons have course records of less than an hour, the fastest time at this year’s Hilly was around 1 hour 13 minutes. Continue reading