Times tumble in tail end time trial


ttlogoThe 2013 Lincsquad time trial series fittingly came to a close with sunny weather and calm conditions bringing out a near capacity entry of 55 riders and lots of PB’s. 

As we entered the end of the season both the Male and Female series titles still weren’t decided as the leaders (and defending champions) Steve Grocock and Rachel Love both needed to do the final round to ensure they had met the qualifying criteria of at least 6 rounds.

The weather was as perfect as it could be for an out and back course with only a slight breeze encouraging the riders to push on the out lap towards Redbourne. For many it was their last chance to achieve targets and go into the long winter season and turbo sessions with the encouragement of being the fastest/fittest they have ever been.

Training may be cheating but results are a great motivator.

Louise Beedham was first off the line and as the riders returned PB’s began to tumble. Bevan and Josh Jones both set their fastest times with Josh smashing his to bits and now being one of the elite Sub 22 minute club with a 21:37. Torin Cannings resisted the urge to ride in circles and despite getting held up by farm vehicles still set a PB on his fixed wheel bike. David Durham finally got his PB but the gap between him and Chris Durham narrows even more as Chris continues to improve and also PB’d. Despite not being able to use his new tri spoke front wheel Team GB’er Alan Woodcock still set a personal best and easily made the overall top ten ahead of first time rider Huw Crawley. Ben Creasy took a minute off his round 8 time to finish ahead of Rachel Love who easily dipped under 25 minute to PB and seal the Ladies title.

Bradley York made his Lincsquad TT debut equalling Rachels 24:48 and beating his older sister Lauren who also PB’d by over 30s from her previous time. Seperated by a scant 3 seconds Nick Stonhewer was pipped by Jon Dixon who is no doubt still buzzing from an excellent Team Relay performance – but now realises he should have used his TT bike at Nottingham after all! Lindsey Roads Bob Mason took over a minute and a half from his previous time with Callum Hinch taking full advantage of racing wheels and taping up his helmet vents to easily dip under his targetted sub 27min with a 26:12. Jason Johnson improved on his round 8 ride and Mark Padley continued to improve his times with a 27:34 knocking nearly 2 minutes off his times from the beginning of the season. Steve Cannings is still trying to purge the memory of running from his mind and PB’d obviously feeling more conmfortable to be back on the saddle. Also a PB for Pam Challen who returns to the 28 min bracket after a string of 29’s. Rob Walsh also sneaking under his previous PB time with a strong sub 29 whilst Jacqui Saxon smashes her previous PB by over a minute and half to also go sub 29 minutes. Happiest bunny of the night goes to Rosie Brister who has been chasing a sub 30 all year and then decides to go sub 29 as well! Another racer breaking into the sub 30s was Mel Lucas who along with Tom Yeats gets the persistance/nothing better to do on a Wednesday night award having completed 10 out of the 11 rounds.

Thank you to Oliver Saxon for marshalling the train crossing.

Really cant speak highly enough of Elinor and Vicky our two main Timekeepers. Also a big thanks to all those who have assisted them and the club with the running of the TT’s each year.

Be proud of your club and the status we have locally and further afield due to the efforts of the members – YOU!

So last nights top 5 fellas

  1. Steve Grocock 21:10
  2. Josh Jones 21:37
  3. Torin Cannings 22:45
  4. Luke “Hi Phil” Osborn 22:46
  5. Bevan Jones 22:47

Top 5 Girlies

  1. Rachel Love 24:48
  2. Emma Wright Philips 25:20
  3. Lauren York 25:50
  4. Lindsey Heathfield 26:57
  5. Jane Taylor 28:25

Full results here


PROVISIONAL results for the year are

Men Top 5

  1. Steve Grocock
  2. Chris Spavin
  3. David Hinch
  4. Philip Marshal
  5. Steve Dolby

Ladies Top 5

  1. Rachel Love
  2. Emma Wright Philips
  3. Ruth Wilson
  4. Lindsey Heathfield
  5. Jane Taylor

Youth Female 2013 – Louise Beedham

Youth Male 2013 – Josh Jones

For the year 152 riders rode 586 times covering 5552.8 miles (8884.5km) of which 89 were Lincsquad, 21 were female, 14 Lincsquad Youth, 7 Lindsey Roads, 3 Barton Wheelers, 2 Barracudas, 2 Scunthorpe Poly, 2 Scunthorpe Tri, 1 Louth Tri, 1 Scun Roads, 1 Godley Tri, 1 Cottingham Couriers, 1 Strategic Lion, 1 Liverpool Mercury and 1 Gainsborough Agier!

Plans for 2014 include a Hill climb round, a possible 2 up (pair of riders working together) and pending approval a new course additional to our current LQ2/10 to try for a couple of rounds 😉

Your TT Supreme Grandmaster Overlord salutes you all

David H.