Once again LincsQuad are pleased to announce that on May 28th, 2023, at the Ancholme leisure centre in Brigg we will be hosting the Keyo Brigg Bomber.
The event will consist of both a Standard distant Triathlon and Quadrathlon and is open to athletes of all abilities and experience.

If you feel you are not quite up to doing the full event why not get some friends together and enter as a Team. We offer the options of 2, 3 or 4 people, are aim being to encourage people just to take part, hoping that it may encourage them to, maybe, do the full event the following year.
LincsQuad have recognised the fact that the cost of living has risen, so we have taken the decision to offer a tiered entry price. Starting with a no frills through to all the bells and whistles.
One thing that we have not changed is the support every entry will be given by our volunteer marshals.
Both the Triathlon and Quadrathlon are run under the Governing bodies guidelines and the event permitted by the local councils Event Safety management group (ESAG).
To visit our full events page click here.
Triathlon / Quadrathlon – overview of the routes
Swim Leg:
This 1500mtr out and back swim leg is possibly one of the easiest on the Triathlon / Quadrathlon calendar, as the river is straight, with only one turn at the 750mtr point, it means you do not have to worry too much about sighting just swimming straight.
Once out, a short run to the secure transition area to collect your helmet and bike and out onto the ride.
Cycle leg:
The cycle leg is on open roads so you must be aware of the traffic around you and as always abide by the highway code.
We have made several changes to the cycle route, over the past few years, and due to this it has meant the leg is a little shorter coming in at 30K (18.7 miles in old money).
The route is easy to navigate and always well signed, but don’t let that stop you either driving, riding, or looking on Google (other search engines are available).
We would class the route as flat, with only 47mtrs of climbs (48mtrs of descent).
Once back and into transition you are onto the final leg (triathlon only).
Run Leg:
This 10K will first take you out of the leisure centre grounds onto the public footpaths into Brigg town centre. You will be directed onto the towpath where you will just follow the river.
One reaching Broughton bridge you will head along a quiet stretch of road to the turn point (water station).
You will head back to the leisure centre.
It is worth noting that the course covers several different surfaces so when training remember to factor this in.
For those of you who don’t think that three disciplines are enough we offer a fourth, yes, a kayak.
All other details are the same as the triathlon except after the bike you will then be faced with a 7K paddle.
As with the swim this a straight out and back, as with the ride we would class it as a flat course feeling a little uphill on the way back for some reason, and as with the run follows the towpath.
This event is part of the British Quadrathlon points series.
Thanks to our friends at the Glanford and Scunthorpe Canoe club we can offer limited boat hire. These can be booked at the time of entry at a small charge.
Please note we will not be accepting any entries after the closing date.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email at
All that is left to do is to tell you where you can enter
To visit our full events page click here.