Meet our Coaches part 3 – Families forces combine

In part three of the series, families combine to coach LincsQuad members. We speak with the Clement’s and Chappill’s, dining table discussions and family events invariably revert to training and coaching session topics.

Amanda Clements, Level 2 BC Coach

Why did you decide to be a coach?

A few years ago I became the volunteer events organiser for the youth committee organising kids Go Ride races. I thoroughly enjoyed this so decided to become a coach and took my level 2 British Cycling qualification, having already been a qualified ride leader for some years

Have you a favourite discipline? If so which?

Off road cycling on mountain bike or cyclo-cross is my favourite discipline and I’ve enjoyed competing in the Lincolnshire cyclo-cross league for the last couple of years although this year I have entered 3 quadrathlon events as I enjoy the kayak element.

What’s the best words of advice you’d give to a our members?

I’d advise members just to enjoy what they do and enjoy the Lincsquad family spirit and support.


Mark Clements, Level 2 BC Coach

Why did you decide to be a coach?

I was taking Charlotte to cycling anyway so when Steve C asked me if I was interested I thought I’d give it a go.

Have you a favourite discipline? If so which?

Mountain biking closely followed by CX.

Have you a favourite event?

Not really, but anything off road. MTB racing and Lincs League CX

What’s the best words of advice you’d give to a our members?

Do what you enjoy, if you race always try your best but more importantly have fun

What’s the best thing about LincsQuad?

Saturday morning cycling sessions and coaching with a great bunch of people.

Pete Chappill, Level 2 BTF & Level 2 BC Coach

Why did you decide to be a coach?

I decided to embark on the coaching pathway when I began guiding for a visually impaired Quadrathlete. I wanted to learn economical and efficient ways to perform movements ensuring that they would have a lifelong relatively injury free career, unlike mine! This in turn led to discovering long term physical development, (LTPD) principles

Have you a favourite discipline? If so which?

My favourite discipline depends upon how I feel and the weather!

Have you a favourite event?

The best event is the Quadathalon at Bude as it has the most panoramic scenery and i get to eat lots of cream teas for recovery!

What’s the best words of advice you’d give to a our members?

My advice to members of any sport club is to reduce your injury potential, question the science, and thereby enjoy a lifelong involvement with exercise. Adhere to several training principles:

  • Learn the basic required movement patterns for the sport and perform them efficiently and effectively
  • Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, (FITT). Only increase one at a time 10%/week and make them event specific
  • Adopt the age group British Triathlon training distance guides along with cycling gear restrictions
  • Long term physical development guidance is NOT just for youth.

What’s the best thing about LincsQuad?

The best thing about LincsQuad is the diverse coaching team. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience across all the disciplines and distance

Jeff Chappill, Level 2 BTF & Level 2 BC Coach

Why did you decide to be a coach?

I got tricked by the Chair of the Youth at the time to come down and have a look at a cycle coaching session.

Have you a favourite discipline? If so which?

Favourite discipline is cycling or running or sometimes kayaking but never swimming.

Have you a favourite event?

Favourite event was the Adventure challenge. It was like the bomber without the swim.

What’s the best words of advice you’d give to a our members?

Words of advise would be listen to the coaches, take their advise,  don’t rush your progression through the distances and drills are important.

What’s the best thing about LincsQuad?

The people I have met and the friends I have made.

Donna Chappill, Level 2 BTF Coach

Why did you decide to be a coach?

I’ve been a coach previously and found that if I wanted to see my husband I needed to be a Lincsquad coach

Have you a favourite discipline? If so which?

I enjoy cycling however have found a passion for kayaking recently therefore am embracing the ergo training to develop my skill

Have you a favourite event?

I love Shrewsbury quadrathalon as its a river swim, which happens to be downhill and the kayak goes through the city centre so the views are fab. As for for the cream teas

What’s the best words of advice you’d give to a our members?

Have a go, you never know if you can do it until you tri

What’s the best thing about LincsQuad?

The social side whether it’s training or going out for a beer afterwards. The encouragement and support throughout for each and every one