Jordan Skelly Geneva European Triathlon Championships

Jordan Skelly Geneva European Triathlon Championships.

The journey towards Geneva began at Dambuster Triathlon in 2014 where I qualified after a second place in the National Championships. Geneva soon became my ‘A’ race for 2015, where regardless of where I would finish I simply wanted to arrive in my best race shape.

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This Month’s Q&A with Lincsquad’s Jane Taylor.

Last weekend saw Jane Taylor lift the overall Ladies Winner trophy at the inaugral ‘Lincolnshire Edge’ Olympic Triathlon. This year has seen Jane collect age group titles aswell as qualifying for the GB team in Duathlon. Living in the same village as Jane and witnessing her running her dog at 6:00 AM it’s easy to see why she’s become so successful at these multi-sport events. You may have to google her dream dinner guests though, I did. Continue reading

Race Report: My First Middle Distance Triathlon – Grafman 28th June 2015 – By Rach Jackson

rach photo11.2 mile Swim

56 mile Bike

13.1 mile Run


All in 08:30:00?? ….. I hoped so. The aim enjoy enjoy enjoy #Nothingtolose.

Saturday collected my race pack, T Shirt & Hooded Top, checked out the transition area and lake.

The training is done, the pavements have been pounded, the roads cycled, the pools and lakes swam, 7 months of training and the day had arrived.  I was nervous and excited, the alarm went off at 5:45am and I was up, dressed ready to go. The camper was filled with the Jacksons and my bike a tri kit, and we set off on the massive journey (2 miles from campsite!!).

Then it Rained Rained Rained!

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James Jackson (Age 10) – My First Triathlon

James PhotoRace Report: York Junior Triathlon – Tristar 2: 200m Swim/4k Bike, 1500m Run

On 31st May 2015 I did my first triathlon, we left early and I was getting excited. I also knew that some of my Lincsquad friends Freddie Gibbs and Jessica Stewart would be there.
Once I got there we joined a massive queue in the rain to register to collect my race number and race gift. I was number 103. It was an hour late starting so we waited in the reception area to be called through which meant I missed Freddie and Jessica start their swim. I was eventually called through and I was excited to get started, I put my chip on my ankle pool side and waited for the pool to empty for my wave to start. I had to swim 200m then go get my trainers and race number on before I ran to transition to get my bike. I biked 4k (x4 1k laps) where Freddie, Jessica and everyone was cheering me on, the bike was windy in places. I then had to rack my bike in transition (anywhere it wasn’t numbered, so I didn’t know what to do as I was looking for my number on the racks, a marshal then helped me) then I went out on my 1500m run. At the end I felt really sick as I tried my hardest especially on the sprint finish.
My mum and dad are really proud of me especially as I am one of the youngest in Tristar 2. I completed my first triathlon in 25:58.
All 3 of us did really well for our first triathlons.
I am now looking forward to my next triathlon at Holmfirth.

Q&A with Lincsquad’s Ruth Wilson.

Who better for this month’s Q & A than Lincsquad’s Ruth Wilson. The Duathlon specialist is enjoying some of the best form of her life. To medal at local events is impressive enough but a podium place at the European Championships in Spain is, well,….PROPER!! Think you’ll agree an even more remarkable achievement when you read Ruth’s candid words.


Full gas, head up, **** out

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Team Tobermory do the Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon

And so it dawned. The day of our first ever quadrathlon, the first real test of all our training so far.  Were we fit enough? Would we survive? Our reckoning had come. Team Tobermory was a man down, with Alex enslaved by exams, but we were joined by Flora and Bella (of Daffodil-Bath-Half fame) and Macca (real name Tom) aka “Team Edinburgh”.  Because YOLO. Continue reading

Steve Clark Middle distance European AG champion!

The Middle Distance Triathlon European Championships in Rimini Italy was my first big triathlon race of the year and one I had been targeting to be in top shape for. All was going to plan training wise until I picked up a soleus injury during the London Marathon! Continue reading

The Slateman: Steve Cannings’ trip to Wales.

Slateman 2015

“Shall I enter Slateman?”
“You’ve wanted to do it for years, why not?”
“It’s the week before the Bomber again and I want to do that too, I’ll be knackered for the Bomber if I do, ah stuff it you’re right I’ll enter.”

It’s amazing isn’t it how such an innocent conversation can end up causing so much agony! Continue reading


So going back to the Summer of 2010 I remember saying on completion of the Cork Marathon that I would never do another marathon again (Unless it was London) and by 2012 I found myself applying each year to get into London as I really wanted to find out what all the hype was about!
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The Grantham Sprint 2015

The opening event of ‘FastFWD Sport’’s Race series kicked off at Grantham this Sunday. In previous years this event has experienced more than its fair share of miserable weather. Yesterday’s event however, (and well overdue) was ideal racing conditions for the 20 plus Lincsquadders making that trip south of the county. Continue reading