Last November Planet X posted on Facebook about a new ladies team that was being developed in the North East. They asked for women of all abilities to get in touch, to attend the social ride and then plans would be made with regards to the team. About 20 ladies turned up to Yarm, we went on a 90 min ride, got to know each other and had chance to chat and ask questions. Team kit was ordered, training dates for weekends as well as training plans were issued to us individually. We all made sure that our bikes were fitted to us and had fitness tests arranged so we knew how hard to push ourselves in training.
Feb 02
Strathpuffer 24 Hr MTB Madness
The idea of doing the Strathuffer, a 24 hour MTB mountain bike race in the Scottish Highlands in January, was first muted while chatting with Pete Gossop at the Burringham Duathlons. I can’t remember actually saying that I would do it, but over the course of the summer and into autumn it became clear that I was on the top of Pete’s list of team members along with two of his work mates from LKAB. The organisers don’t open the entries until 10pm on November 5th so at about 10:30pm on Bonfire night I got a text message to say that we were in.
Jan 14
SwampMistress Sallie starts Swampdodging season
Despite being awoken at one in the morning by a hurricane raging outside my bedroom window (a consequence, no doubt, of Tony’s rain-dancing), by the time I arrived at Melton Ross on Sunday 11th January, for the first SwampDodger action of 2015, the sun was shining. Unfortunately, there was also a brutal wind blowing across the undulating SwampDodger course, which was guaranteed to make it tough going.
Dec 10
The 2014 LAYA’s – Hollywood Comes To Scunthorpe!
And so the curtain came down on the 2014 season with our annual big bash party, the LAYA’s, held this year in the warm and welcoming surroundings of Holme Hall Golf Club. The old clubhouse has rarely seen so many athletes gathered together at one time…..most likely never!
Resplendent with fairy lights, ‘Lincsquad’ black blue and white foil balloons and a giant ‘2014’ foil balloon banner, the room looked fabulous thanks to the decorating skills of the team comprising Vicki, family Horner and Mr. Hinch who also looked after the setting of the trophy table aided and abetted by Erica C. With upwards of 150 Lincsquadders due to attend, a great night was anticipated and we weren’t disappointed! Continue reading
Oct 14
Squadders last effort at East Riding Triathlon
Dense fog couldn’t put a stop to what was otherwise decent racing conditions, (well, for mid October anyway). The East Riding Tri is usually one of the last sprints of the calendar and despite the wintry feel still attracts almost 200 entrants, such is the popularity of this sport. Continue reading
Oct 09
Lincsquad And Youth Academy Awards 2014
With another highly successful year almost over and the club growing ever bigger its time to look back and acknowledge the efforts of Lincsquadders during 2014.
Yes its the Lincsquad awards and this year we need YOU to nominate club members by browsing the categories below and thinking back to who beat you, who made you work harder, who did you see out there training, helping or doing anything else (not necessarily a racer!) that put the club and themselves on the map! The categories are….. Continue reading
Sep 30
Pete Chappills Bude Quad – Cream teas & belly flops!
Bude Awesome fouresome Quadrathlon.
Throughout the 2014 Quadrathlon season I have struggled with several open water swimming demons.
The feelings of, jelly legs, nausea, and lack of coordination in transition.
I decided to try and deal with them and how best but in the true Lincsqaud tradition “Extreme”.
So I went on holiday. That was after booking the Bude Quadrathlon in Cornwall.
Sep 18
Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon – 21st Sept 2014
Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon – 21st Sept 2014
The Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon is organised by Lincsquad and consists of a 400 metre pool swim in the Ancholme Leisure Centre’s 25 metre pool followed by a 20km road cycle and finishing with a 5km road run.
The course is flat, fast and ideal for both experienced triathletes and newcomers to the sport.
Sep 10
Rosie B’s Scilly Swim 2014
Twenty months ago I first joined a Linscquad swim session on a dark and cold winter night. Swimming was not my thing. I was a breaststroke swimmer. The best I could manage was one length of front crawl before having to stop and recover. A long distance, open water sea swim was about as far from off my bucket list as sitting in a pit full of venomous snakes, spiders and scorpions. For this reason I can’t quite believe that I am now lucky enough to be in a position to write this event report but here it goes…