Training while on holiday

It’s great to get away on holiday with the family and away from the pressures of work, and then maybe even get a bit of light training in while your there to keep off a few of the pounds attributed to the holiday diet.

Having recently come back from Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca in Spain, I thought I would share some useful tips and contacts. I have being going to Puerto Pollensa for well over 15 years now, both on holiday and also on a few occasions on self-organised training camps on the push bike.

Puerto PollensaPuerto Pollensa based in the north has everything – wonderful scenery, beautiful sandy beaches and a laid-back friendly atmosphere. The sheltered horseshoe shaped bay is set against the stunning backdrop of the Tramuntana mountain range where there are some stunning cycling routes.

So while I was there for the two weeks with the family and my “Amigo” Andy Veitch was also there at the other side of the bay we planned a couple of training sessions followed by some much needed “Energy Drinks”! San Miguel is an energy drink right?


Swimming is probably the easiest training to get done while on a beach holiday abroad and requires the minimal of extra packing (in the suitcase that is!!!).

I should probably also share the story at this point from Greece the night after Steve Clarks wedding when myself, Steve, Stenno and Binchy decided to swim straight out to sea from his hotel beach. After swimming 800 metres we stopped to take stock of where we were before turning back, I made the stupid remark of saying “I have been the furthest!!”…… What followed I can only decide as purely childish!!! Stenno made the first move followed by Mr Binch which then put us a further 100m out!!! Freshly married (and lighter, another story!!!) Mr Clark decided it was time to make his mark and set off further out which now added an extra 4-500m and it was bloody deep!!!! ….and still we kept adding a metre here and a metre there. This was a funny as you like(really you had to be there!), just ask Mr Binch who I thought was going to drown just from the stitch he had from laughing!!! ……until that is I turned round and looked just how far the beach now lay and thought..S£$t I am going to have to swim back! …and that is what I did…. EVENTUALLY!!


Mallorca is absolutely stunning for cycling and attracts probably over 80,000 cyclists a year. There are some totally flat routes with spirals and slopes and then the high mountain areas along the Serra de Tramuntana. Sa Calobra is probably one of the most stunning (pictured below) and is not for the faint hearted. It is also featured in the latest Sky Pro Cycle teams advert.

So you can either take your own bike over which is sometimes best if your on a training camp, however if on a family holiday then it is just as easy to hire a bike for the time you need it. I have always used ProCycle Hire in Puerto Pollensa which is run by Bruce who I have known for many years and he will provide you with whatever spec you require at a good price including top of the range TT/Triathlon bikes if required. All you will need is your cycling kit, helmet and peddles. He will also look after you if your a member of Lincsquad.


Marcus who works for Bruce in ProCycle Hire is also a keen kayaker and coach for the local Club Nautico. He was able to set me up with a kayak and I managed to get a paddle in around the bay. If this is something you want to do then have a word with Marcus when you are there and he will be able to point you in the right direction.


Running again requires your trainers so not much space in the suitcase either. The bay is perfect to run around between Puerto Pollensa and Alcudia Town, or if your wanting something more challenging then head up over the climb at Formentor pictured behind Andy.

Just remember that it is hot out there in the summer and to take plenty of hydration.

If you are looking to source accommodation then a good place to look is on the website.

I am considering organising a training camp early next year, so if anyone is interested then please let me know.

If you would like to share some other good training spots abroad or simply your stories, tips or contacts then please add below.