Category: Social

LAYAS Nominations 2019

The time is approaching where we are reaching out for you to send in your nominations for 2019.

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Rachel Brothwell Ironman Barcalona 2018…what were you thinking?

I still can’t answer that question…. From starting Couch25k in March 2105 my only plan was to get fit. After suffering a mini stroke in October 2014 and following a 6 month recovery I decided I needed to get off my backside and do something. So how did I get from ‘I need to get …

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Josh Blackley experiences the Windermere Great North Swim “washing machine”!

So after not swimming for at least 15 years, I decided I would like to give it a go. Somehow I found Lincsquad. (yep the guy who wrote his own sick notes to get out of PE at school joining a tri club??) madness, but anyway, I found everyone very welcoming and friendly.  I headed …

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‘Squadlets get a head start towards Quadrathlon

So the day finally arrived, Saturday 25/03/17, & we embarked on making some world class Quadrathletes with 12 intrepid Lincsquad Youth & Squadlets who had booked their places. We began on dry land with the introduction of how to sit correctly in the kayak, not as simple as you may think. But everyone had a …

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Shona Cannings Great North Run – The Journey

2nd August 2014 and I turned 49 I knew this was going to be a challenging year ahead. Youngest son Torin off to Uni so family life was changing forever. I also always had in my mind that I needed to do something special to celebrate reaching my half century – this was all the …

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Garyoke Ironman Bolton 2015

“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you” Never a truer word said, after feeling pretty pleased with myself last year after entering Ironman UK the race came thundering like a runaway juggernaught, thoughts of what am I doing? …

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Strathpuffer 24 Hr MTB Madness

The idea of doing the Strathuffer, a 24 hour MTB mountain bike race in the Scottish Highlands in January, was first muted while chatting with Pete Gossop at the Burringham Duathlons. I can’t remember actually saying that I would do it, but over the course of the summer and into autumn it became clear that …

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Lincsquad Youth & Adult Awards 2013 – The Layas

After the mega success of the 2012 combined Crimbo party and awards night we decided to make this years awards a stand alone event. If you need a recap of the night (or not in the case of some of our karaoke heroes!) there are more pics on the Lincsquad Facebook page.

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Lincsquadder Oliver Saxon reviews his 2013

As I begin training ahead of 2014, I ought to really review my 2013 season. My first full season’s training in the offthatcouchfitness stable was tough but enjoyable.

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Mrs Dobbers First Triathlon!!

  Mrs Dobber’s Blenheim Palace Journey………. So after 2 years of being a WAG I thought it was about time to see what this racing malarkey was all about.  So which triathlon do you pick? I wanted one that was far away (so no one would come and see me make a plonker of myself) …

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