AGM 2015
Category: Lincsquad
Dec 10
The 2014 LAYA’s – Hollywood Comes To Scunthorpe!
And so the curtain came down on the 2014 season with our annual big bash party, the LAYA’s, held this year in the warm and welcoming surroundings of Holme Hall Golf Club. The old clubhouse has rarely seen so many athletes gathered together at one time…..most likely never! Resplendent with fairy lights, ‘Lincsquad’ black blue and …
Oct 14
Squadders last effort at East Riding Triathlon
Dense fog couldn’t put a stop to what was otherwise decent racing conditions, (well, for mid October anyway). The East Riding Tri is usually one of the last sprints of the calendar and despite the wintry feel still attracts almost 200 entrants, such is the popularity of this sport.
Oct 09
Lincsquad And Youth Academy Awards 2014
With another highly successful year almost over and the club growing ever bigger its time to look back and acknowledge the efforts of Lincsquadders during 2014. Yes its the Lincsquad awards and this year we need YOU to nominate club members by browsing the categories below and thinking back to who beat you, who made you work …
Sep 30
Pete Chappills Bude Quad – Cream teas & belly flops!
Bude Awesome fouresome Quadrathlon. Throughout the 2014 Quadrathlon season I have struggled with several open water swimming demons. The feelings of, jelly legs, nausea, and lack of coordination in transition. I decided to try and deal with them and how best but in the true Lincsqaud tradition “Extreme”. So I went on holiday. That was …
Sep 18
Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon – 21st Sept 2014
Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon – 21st Sept 2014 The Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon is organised by Lincsquad and consists of a 400 metre pool swim in the Ancholme Leisure Centre’s 25 metre pool followed by a 20km road cycle and finishing with a 5km road run. The course is flat, fast and ideal for both …
Sep 10
Rosie B’s Scilly Swim 2014
Twenty months ago I first joined a Linscquad swim session on a dark and cold winter night. Swimming was not my thing. I was a breaststroke swimmer. The best I could manage was one length of front crawl before having to stop and recover. A long distance, open water sea swim was about as far …
Sep 09
Lincsquad Ladies first at Louth.
Ladies first at Louth Tri. Sunday saw the Georgian market town of Louth hosting its first Sprint triathlon. SBR Events put on a great show which was perfect for a handful of Lincsquadders wanting to fly under the radar and gain some much needed practice, fitness, experience or confidence in preparation for the upcoming Brigg …
Sep 01
Ironman Copenhagen “The Dobber way”
It all started back at team relays in 2013 as we were packing up, as the entry for IMCopenhagen opened on the Bank Holiday Monday. We raced home to get on the internet and sign up for what would be a spectacular race and indeed the first time I had raced in Europe so …
Aug 29
Alex Bradley Ironman Copenhagen
Ironman Copenhagen race report from Alex Pre-race: the weeks building up to copenhagen had been far from ideal; exams at the end of June and starting full time work meant had meant limited training. My last race was the English middle distance championships, which, although I won my age group, included a dehydration induced collapse, …