Duathlon Results 3rd May

The date: Wednesday 3rd May

The venue: Burringham

The weather: Cold and a strong wind leading to tough conditions even for the more seasoned athletes.

The quantity: 62 athletes completed the 2 – 11 -2 handicap challenge.

The quality: once again the quality of the performances was very high and the results reflecting just how tight things are this year and not just at the top of the table but right the way through.

Handicap: this was indeed the charity handicap race, apologies to those who wanted to donate to the charity (we forgot the donation tin) however we will be accepting donations at the next training race (17th May at Burringham). The winners of the handicap will not be announced until the presentation night. There was less than 6 minutes separating the men and only 4 minutes in the ladies results once the handicaps had been applied.

Results: please see the attached (printed version will be available). Should you have any comments or queries relating to the results please contact me direct at jeff.chappill@hotmail.com (not via the forum).

NOTE: we can confirm that the Barton training race WILL take place this year 31st May 2017 with a slightly later start time of 7pm.

Once again a big thanks to all Marshals (Wayne, Sandra, Vicky, Dawn, Rachel, Chris and Rita) without you guys these events would not be possible.

Also a big thank you to our friends at Lincsquad for posting the results

Click for race 3 results

Duathlon Results 19th April

Wednesday 19th April was the date, Normanby Park industrial estate was the venue with near perfect conditions for the athletes (turning a little chilly for the time keepers).

67 athletes turn out to conquer the slightly more demanding course. With a 0.9mile down hill run to warm up before turning and hitting the 0.9 mile run back up the same hill. On to the bikes for the 12.8 mile ride having to use most of the gears and negotiate some tricky little bends brings you back to the  second 1 mile run, again this has a nice down hill feel but is an out and back.

With only 14 seconds separating the top four places for the men, 11 of the top 12 men running the last mile in sub 7 minutes and 1 minute 20 seconds separating 10th and 25th places this is looking like it could be a difficult year to predict.

12 ladies complete the course with Emma Watts taking the lead, a close fought battle for second and third with Sarah just edging out Vicky. Worth noting is the amazing run times put in by Kerry, with calls from her sister to have her drugs tested.

Just like to say a big thank you once again to our time keepers, Wayne and Tom, Vicky and Sandra.

3rd May back to Burringham for the first of the three handicap races.

Please note the attached are provisional results. If you have any problems or comments (relating to the duathlons) please send them  to jeff.chappill@hotmail.com and do not post on the forum/ facebook

Click here for race 2 results

Lincsquad Track cycling

To all Lincsquadders,

Please see the attached policy on Lincsquads track cycling sessions. Lincsquad has and will continue to support Saturday morning track cycling at Quibell and to further develop this we may occasionally add additional taster sessions as we have done previously. These are always very well received and a single session allowing others to have a go at track cycling will not adversely effect any other training we currently run. As with all Lincsquad coached sessions the Lead Coach (as indicated on the rota) will be in charge of the session.

Both myself and Nigel (Youth Chair) are happy to discuss ANY aspect of Lincsquad and if not at sessions are easily contactable via email Chairman@Lincsquad.co.uk or YouthChair@lincsquad.co.uk

Track cycling coached sessions v1.0

Yours in sport

David Hinch

Lincsquad Chairman 2017

TT Series 2017 Results

No April Showers as sunshine tempts out 38 TTers

Entry numbers had increased for this weeks club tt no doubt due to the big bright thing burning out every ones eyes…no not Lincsquad Coaching Secretarys brightly coloured bike but the sun! Ideal conditions meant many marshals were cursing their early selection but a appreciative nod wink and doff of the cap to all who honoured their committment to ensuring this weeks round of the years tt series went ahead. Your (PB) time will come.

Local TT ace Julian “Rambo” Ramsbottom continued to maintain his form from Stuart Wells with LIncsquadder Steve Grocock maintaining his low time average in his efforts to regain the TT title. Top lady was Suzanne Szenher followed by Pam Challen and Emma Watts.

Nick Stonehewer bagged the raffle prize generously donated by Cathy Walsh.

Results below:

Round 3

J P Knight is off Lincsquads christmas card list! Round 2

In 1868 JP night a railway engineer invented the first traffic signal for outside the houses of parliment. The intention was to help traffic but as Lincsquadders know durring 2016 they did nothing but cause problems!

Now here we are in 2017 and up to Round 2 his legacy continues to thwart us from our fortnightly escapism with the sudden appearence of a temporary set just before Redbourne village due to a gas leak. C’est la vie.

So with 29 riders ready to test themselves and all riders reminded of the traffic lights before setting off round two was under way. As always we rely heavily on club members supporting our races and we asked for additional support at the beginning of the year and we really needed it to man the outward and return lights. Massive thank you to the timekeepers and marshals for supporting the club and its members.

It seems appropriate to remind everyone how the traffic light stoppages are calculated. An allowance of TEN SECONDS is given to every rider who is stopped. The length of time the rider is stopped is taken FROM THE MOMENT THE RIDER STOPS AND THEIR FOOT IS ON THE GROUND. This is important as some riders coast up to the lights and some even track stand. The foot must be on the ground! True experts ride up to the line and come to an fast (but safe!) stop and put their foot down straightaway. As soon as the lights change the rider should get up to speed asap. Using this criteria adjusted times are “very close” to the times the riders see on their Garmins when Auto pause is on. Its not perfect but its the best we can come up with until we find better…..or an unobstructed route!

Results below;

Round 2 v2

Steve G still has “it” – Round 1

Rumours of Lincsquad time trial stalwart Steve Grocock coasting to retirement due to youngsters with better hair styles and Aussie accents gaining on him were reduced (albeit only slightly) with the Britcon/OTCF Kona athlete maintaining his number one position at the TT season opener by a mere 2 seconds (21:44) from Scunthorpe Polys rider Richard Walker (21:46) with Julian Hesp 3rd (22:21) on the 9.8 mile LQ10/3 course.

Ruth Wilson was fastest lady (25:47) on her Spencer Engineering Felt DA despite a recent illness followed by Suzanne Szenher (27:13) and Jane Taylor (27:44) third.

With a significant cold crosswind many riders opted to only shed their coats right on the start line with Emma Watts (28:25) drawing the biggest crowd much to the disappointment of Sheehan Quirke (23:12) who not only had to rely on second hand accounts but was (fortunately) largely ignored as he removed his clothing.

Despite the potentially poor conditions many rider set personal bests no doubt due to the cancelled rounds of last year hiding the improvements gained by the dark art of effective coaching and training. The roll of shame of riders setting PB’s and lining up top push older lazier club chairmen further down the order is

Craig Day 24:36, Kev Lovett 24:54 Dan Ellis 25:38, Luke Stonehewer 26:07, Steve Enright 26:12, Darren Scutt 26:53, Pete Wilson 27:25, Jamie Moss, 27:53, Josh Blackley, Sharon Wilson 30:16, Rita Mooney 32;32 and Belinda Allen 35:37

As always a big thank you to our Marshals John Chambers, Amanda Clements, Paul McEwan and Stephen Cannings plus our TT team of Kerry “Raffle Queen” Padley, timekeepers Anna Gibbs and Jess Porte and the signing on team Rob and Cathy Walsh.

Next round in two weeks when no doubt more home made mint choc chip ice cream from the King Billy will be consumed to dull the pain of poor results.

Results attached below:

Round 1


Duathlon Results 5th April


Wednesday the 5th April was the first training race in the Scunthorpe Triathlons clubs summer series.

78 riders signed on and competed on a near perfect night weather wise.

There was a great mix of new and old faces from Tori Smaller taking part in her first duathlon to a return to the series of Lincsquad chairman Dave Hinch.

Steve Clark making his first appearance in a few years showed he has lost none of his speed and Dave Scott a true legend returns for yet again his “last season”.

This has the promise to be another great year for the Duathletes and the club.

Jason and I would like to thank Lincsquad for, once again, allowing us to post the results on their website.

Please see the results below, Note these are provisional results and should you have any queries relating to them please contact me on the following email address


No correspondence will be entered into on the Lincsquad forum

Training Race 2 will  be the 19th April at Flixborough industrial estate start 6.30pm

     Jeff / Jason

Click here for Race 1 results

Lincsquad Ahead of the Game

Long Term Performance Development

Just over a year since its conception, Jeff Chappill reflects on current thinking within the sports coaching fraternity and the changes made within our training sessions.

Lincsquad Ahead of the Game

In February 2016 a presentation was made to the LincsQuad Youth Committee with regards the implementation of LTPD. This presentation was based around some of the details outlined in this handout. After a great deal of consultation with Coaches, Governing bodies and parents the committee took the decision to get “ahead of the game”. It saw that over the coming months and years the majority of the governing bodies will start to adopt the LTPD principles surrounding not only the training of Youth athletes but the way in which we target athletes of all ages and abilities.

After much research a rethink into how to coach fundamental movement skills (FMS) to children has come about. The evolved model promotes coaching FMS throughout a lifetime of sport and challenges opinion that strength training should be held back until children reach adolescence.

Every parent wants to do what’s best for their child.

And every coach will echo that sentiment, and profess to want what’s best for their performers.

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‘Squadlets get a head start towards Quadrathlon

So the day finally arrived, Saturday 25/03/17, & we embarked on making some world class Quadrathletes with 12 intrepid Lincsquad Youth & Squadlets who had booked their places.

17362464_10207578135165321_3875957055474609351_nWe began on dry land with the introduction of how to sit correctly in the kayak, not as simple as you may think. But everyone had a go & understood what they needed to do.

Any nervousness and apprehension soon disappeared as the first drills began poolside which was a basic introduction to sitting in it,  the paddle (don’t laugh as I had no idea that there was a different one for a right handed and left handed person) followed by how to get in and out of a kayak whilst in the water from the edge of the pool (not as simple as you think) and with all Squadlets managing to stay dry doing this it felt as if they were all going to take to this kayaking like ducks to water. 17522999_10207578134605307_5180547318668295734_n

17458442_10207578135565331_1757787512989138921_nThe next drill was how to get out of the kayak when it had capsized and they enjoyed it so much they wanted to repeat it over and over again.
Various drills followed; getting used to using the paddle, going backwards, round one way & then round the other, steering etc…… they made it look easy (these lot were born to do this) & before we knew it they were paddling around the pool with such confidence. So with them making it look so easy, we moved them onto to paddling in a straight line and after 3-4 times going up & down the pool they’d all cracked it. With this now mastered they proceeded to complete circuits around the pool it was amazing how they seemed to be able to aim their kayaks at us in the pool!
17499093_10207578134165296_6919761171545255028_nThe final drill set was making them climb back into their kayaks whilst in the water. This was met with more success by some as some (no names Jess) appeared to be able to turn their kayak into a submarine with great ease!

Before we knew it our time was over but all appeared to have had a great time & I would like to thank all who took part, all the parents for letting them have a go, the Lincsquad members & coaches for assisting in the pool and especially to the coaches of Glanford & Scunthorpe Canoe Club for giving up their time to assist us.


Here’s to the next time if you’re all up for it.

Mark Clements Going Solo at the Strathpuffer 2017

Going Solo at the Strathpuffer 2017

I did the Strathpuffer 2 years ago as part of a quad team and for those who aren’t familiar with the event it is billed as the only Winter 24hr Mountain Bike Race. It is held in the Scottish Highlands north of Inverness and competitors can enter as a Solo, Pair, Quad or 10 man team.

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Lincsquad Awards Night 2017

Friday (27th January) saw the circus that is the Lincsquad Awards Night, roll into Redbourne Club in Scunthorpe. For this year’s extravaganza we were at the mercy of Lincsquad’s answer to Ant and Dec, David Hinch and Ric Longcake, to reveal the winners and hand out the awards.

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Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Cheque Presentation

At The Club AGM, on 18th January, Lincsquad were very pleased to present a cheque for £2497.26 to Trevor Cherry, from Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance. This donation was a combination of funds raised by last year’s Paul Kirk Sportive and Christian Brown Ride. It’s fantastic that we were able to give such a sizeable donation to this very worthy cause. This year’s Paul Kirk Sportive takes place on 2nd April. The Christian Brown Ride will be on 12th February, meeting at The Gamekeeper, Scotter at 9am, for a 9.30am start.
