Mrs Dobber’s Blenheim Palace Journey……….
So after 2 years of being a WAG I thought it was about time to see what this racing malarkey was all about. So which triathlon do you pick? I wanted one that was far away (so no one would come and see me make a plonker of myself) and one that Dobber hadn’t done so my super-fast time wouldn’t upset his previous ones ;-)! It also had to be flat! So Blenheim it was! Although quite expensive I knew I would get value for money with my time….none of this ‘let’s go as fast as I can to get finished quick’…why pay that much and not look at the scenery. So triathlon booked and hotel booked in October, June is soooo far away! I plodded along with my training and before I knew, it was 10 weeks away. OMG…..with no direction to my training it was time to call a professional and if he could get me over the finish line he certainly knew what he was doing! So a phone call to Steve Clark (all top triathletes go to Offthatcouchfit)! Within a couple of days an email arrived with my plan…..what……burringham duathlons….time trials….noooooooo! But what the plan said I had to do! (On a serious note, big thanks to Steve for the plan as without it I might still be swimming now).
Training was going really well, with 3 weeks to go a trip to Wales was planned (with training) and I thought it would be good to pull my back, then get flu, before I knew it two weeks had gone by and I had a week to go…..yikes. A quick couple of dips in the reservoir as prep, a couple of last minute runs and a time trial, it was time up.