Josh Jones victorious at debut OW swim/bike

Today I have taken part in my first Aquacycle involving a 750m open water swim followed by a 23 mile bike ride. This was only to be my second time in open water swimming and as I reached around the half way point the wind picked up making it feel like I was swimming in the sea, with the waves crashing over me I was struggling to breath.


Josh – Not swimming or biking……

 As I reached my bike I was in about 2/3rd place but this wasn’t going to slow me down even though we had a strong side/head wind I pushed on and within 10 miles I found myself to be leading the event. I felt the wind strengthen and my speed plummeted as I looked back I could see my fellow competitor who hadn’t  given up, but I saw to my relief that I only had another 3 miles to go so I dug deep and ploughed on. The finish line came within sight, along with the amazement of winning the event.
It was an ideal taster at open water swimming which I want to continue in the future.
Above are the results from the event