Ex professional Ironman Steve Clark has enjoyed great success and many headline results over the years in both Tri and Quadrathlon. Steve has been a prominent member of Lincsquad going back to the Club’s inception. He also runs Off that Couch Fitness personal training/coaching and is part of the Fast FWD Events team. Steve has had several interviews over the years in TRI 220/Triathlon plus and other sporting magazines. So we thought it was our turn for our own Questions & Answers with the Fireman/Personal Coach and newly found Father.
Two awards at the presentation night for ‘Ironman’ and ‘Race Performance’ of the year point toward another successful season for 2017. How did winning the ‘Triathlon X’ rank with your other litany of sporting achievements?…….
Yep its right up their especially because it is such a tough course and for me it completes the set as I can now say I have overall wins at all triathlon distances Pool Sprints, Open Water Sprints , Olympic Distance, Half Ironman and now Full Ironman distance.

Did you ever expect the Club to grow as big when you first started out?
I’m proud to see how the club has grown over the years and to still be a member now as I was one of the original 8 members in 2007 along with Paul Carvill, Andy Veitch, Dan Broughton, Andy Coultas, Ken Collier, John Pettinger, Paul Armstrong and myself
How do you find running a fitness/coaching business helps with your own personal goals.
It certainly helps now as Off That Couch Fitness has grown over the last 10 years. I’m now lucky enough to be able to have my own studio for my clients with Watt bike, Treadmill, Concept 2 and an endless pool so if I’m short of time myself I can do triathlon on my doorstep. I remember travelling all the way to Birmingham to use a Hydro-therapy Aquatic Treadmill pre Kona when I had a fracture to my leg. So to be able to provide this service and things like endless pool swim analysis to the local area is something I’m proud of.
How rewarding is it when your clients achieve their goals and how disappointing if they don’t quite get what they/you expect?
It’s a great feeling and most do but if they don’t it’s a case of sitting down and finding the reason why. It can be as easy as changing the training plan but sometimes the individuals focus and mindset needs looking at its not always the training.
Over the years you’ve had National and International success at Quadrathlon? Is this something you’d like to revisit in the future?
Yep, my best Quad result was a Bronze at the World champs in Czech Republic and I’ve won the Brigg Bomber 4 times so it’s a race I love. I’ve not kayaked now for 4 years but its something I will return to one day and yes I’ll race the Bomber again but when I’m not sure?
What’s your favourite, Kayak, Swim, Cycle or Run?
The run. I’m lucky enough that on most occasions when it matters to be able to find the run I need. Ironman Wales 2012 always comes to mind as my best run after being down in 12th position after the swim and bike I managed to run a 2 hour 58 minute Marathon off the bike on a tough Wales run course to take me into the top 5 and qualify for Kona. This was also the performance that got me my GB Ironman Professional Licence so allowed me to race on the pro circuit for a season .

Racing for Great Britain, racing at the World Champs in Kona, Gold medal at the Age Group 70.3 European Championships, being crowned British/European Quadrathlon champion all paint a colourful CV. What would you say is your proudest Sporting achievement?
Tough one, probably going under 9 hours for the Ironman something myself and Emily chased for a while with times going from 9:41, 9:39, 9,33, 9:23, 9:14, 9:07 and then boom 8:57!
Favourite films?
Shawshank Redemption, Basketball Diaries, The Dark knight, National lampoons Christmas vacation.
Sporting hero/inspiration?
Simon Lessing and Tim Don I remember watching the 2000 Sydney Olympics and they finished 9th and 10th and that’s when I started getting into triathlon.
Best advice received and by whom.?
A few gems…. always race a different event each year to keep it exciting (Dan Broughton). ‘I haven’t come all this way to watch you have a S**T race so get a move on’ (Christian Brown and Emily Clark) Ironman Wales 2012.
Dream job?
Butler at the Playboy mansion.
Three dream dinner guests?
Edmund Hillary, Bruce Lee and Tim Don.
Most treasured sporting possession?
Probably my photo memory wall in my studio. These are pics from races all over the world not just me but all the people I’ve helped over the years on their sporting journeys. If I’m ever low on motivation I go to that wall.
Favourite meal?
That’s easy Pizza followed by Tiramisu.
What’s your next challenge/goal in the sport?
To be a good Dad and then eventually have a good race at IM Lanza.