The Vitruvian (Half Ironman distance)

vitruvian-triathlonThe Vitruvian (Half Ironman distance)

If the Dambuster had whetted your appetite earlier in the year then here’s an event with a double helping of the infamous Rutland Ripple.
It’s also the event that has you finally using that cheap head-torch you’ve bought from a petrol station as you fumble your way to the 05:00 bike racking.
In previous years the sun has risen to reveal a thick mist over the lake that makes sighting challenging to say the least. Fortunately, not this year, in fact this year’s race wasn’t far from ideal conditions.

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Times tumble in tail end time trial


ttlogoThe 2013 Lincsquad time trial series fittingly came to a close with sunny weather and calm conditions bringing out a near capacity entry of 55 riders and lots of PB’s. 

As we entered the end of the season both the Male and Female series titles still weren’t decided as the leaders (and defending champions) Steve Grocock and Rachel Love both needed to do the final round to ensure they had met the qualifying criteria of at least 6 rounds. Continue reading

World Duathlon Championships 2013


ITU Standard Distance
World Duathlon Championships
Ottawa 10th August 2013

…. written by Emma Wright-Phillips

As most of you know, back in May I was lucky enough to get a ticket to the Duathlon World Championships in Ottawa, here is the tale…… Continue reading

My First Triathlon…..(well nearly)….

Blenheim and Leeds 030

My First Sprint Triathlon Turned Aquathlon

            On Sunday 28th July I competed in the Leeds Xpress Triathlon. This was my first triathlon and it most certainly won’t be my last! I chose this particular Tri not realising just how ‘lumpy’ (as the race marshall called it) the bike course would have been.

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Hats off to Rosie at Hatfield tri!

Having spent 90 minutes meticulously packing and then checking the contents of
my car it was time face the fact that there really was no going back. After a
night of broken sleep I jumped in the car and made my way to Hatfield Water Park
to set up for the race. I was allocated my place in the second wave, with all
the remaining females from what I could gather.  Pink swimming hats and T-shirts
were distributed very efficiently and it was officially time to start panicking!

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Neil Barkers Double Steelman 20th July 2013

If you were at the Steelman last year, you must remember the glorious mud, a lot of which we took with us when we left. It was strange to see the camp site clean, dry and grassy.
I pitched up to next to Les Thompson and Malc Pearce of Grimsby Tri who asked me where all the other Lincsquaders where……..I said “there’s only me”.

Josh Jones victorious at debut OW swim/bike

Today I have taken part in my first Aquacycle involving a 750m open water swim followed by a 23 mile bike ride. This was only to be my second time in open water swimming and as I reached around the half way point the wind picked up making it feel like I was swimming in the sea, with the waves crashing over me I was struggling to breath.


Josh – Not swimming or biking……

 As I reached my bike I was in about 2/3rd place but this wasn’t going to slow me down even though we had a strong side/head wind I pushed on and within 10 miles I found myself to be leading the event. I felt the wind strengthen and my speed plummeted as I looked back I could see my fellow competitor who hadn’t  given up, but I saw to my relief that I only had another 3 miles to go so I dug deep and ploughed on. The finish line came within sight, along with the amazement of winning the event.
It was an ideal taster at open water swimming which I want to continue in the future.
Above are the results from the event

Alan Woodcock takes Bronze medal in Euro Champs

Following qualification races in 2012, Alan Woodcock, Pete Connolly & Phil Binch travelled to Alanya, Turkey last week to take on the best age group triathletes Europe had to offer.

This is Alan Woodcock’s story – his journey to the European Championship podium.

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Physio Ian gets physical at UK70.3

McbrideWhat a relief to finally get on the road to head down to Exmoor on Friday 14th June. For the past 2 days I found myself pacing around getting mentally prepared, unable to think about anything else. I was peaking too soon, feeling like I used to get the morning of a rugby match, I needed to calm down!
The Saturday morning race briefing for the novice triathletes certainly made my ears ‘stand to attention’ when the Ironman official congratulated us on signing up for the toughest 70.3 on their entire international circuit!….I’d heard that the Exmoor venue was tough but to hear it in person suddenly made it all seem very real.

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Loveys Bomber, bugs and Grafman!

I started a post about the Bomber, but after forgetting to drink fatboy coke after swimming in the Ancholme, the River sought it’s revenge for me warming up my wetsuit – you know what I mean!!  Suffice to say that was honestly one of the toughest things I’ve done (Bomber – not warming up my wetsuit!) and that’s in amongst Tough Guy, Helloween on the Humber and Grafman!!
I wanted to say a huge thankyou to Andy Read for speaking to Christians parents for me – there was no way I was competing without ‘Brownys Boat’ and also to Kev Antwhistle for transport.