2017 Committee positions

As mentioned in the AGM notification post the club will (as per our Constitution) be looking to form the 2017 committee at this meeting.

Up to now we have received the following nominations for each role:


David Hinch nominated by Nicky Robinson 2nd by Steve Grocock

YouthChair – to be voted for at AGM

Nigel Smaller Nominated by Gareth Joseph 2nd by David Hinch

Anna Gibbs Nominated by Stephen Cannings 2nd by Shona Cannings

Club Secretary

Sallie Joseph Nominated by Vikki Stewart 2nd by Amanda Clements


Ric Longcake Nominated by Mike Catley 2nd by Andrew Croft

Coaching Secretary

Tony England Nominated by Julie England 2nd Kev Cooper

Membership Secretary

Rachel Crisp nominated by Loraine Corfield 2nd Julie England

TT Secretary

Kerry Padley Nominated by Mark Padley 2nd Tony England

Race/Events Secretary to be voted for at AGM

Gary Horner nominated by Steve Clark 2nd by Sharon Hartland

Jeff Chappill nominated by Tony England 2nd by Donna Chappill WITHDRAWN

Social Secretary

Jess Porte nominated by Phil Carter 2nd by Andrew Porte

If anyone wishes to know more about any of the above roles contact a current member of the Committee.

Updated 28.12.2016

Nominations added 06.01.2017

Updated 08.01.2017

David H.

Youth Academy Award Winners 2016

Male of the Year 2016 – Freddie Gibbs for the second year in a row.

Freddie Gibbs wins Male of the Year Continue reading

Notice of AGM 2017

As per our Club Constitution our Annual General Meeting will take place at 2000hrs on Wednesday 18th January at Arties Mill Castlethorpe. Tea and coffee will be available.

The agenda will be;

  • Opening address from Chair
  • Secretary report
  • Treasurers report
  • Membership Secretary report
  • Coaching Secretary report
  • 2016 Committee stand down
  • Nomination and election of 2017 committee
  • 2017 Events and Events Committee
  • AOB

As per our constitution all committee memberswill step down so all positions are available.

We encourage all club members to consider assisting the running of the club either as committee members,coaches, marshals, event organisers or writing up race reports to name a few examples.

Some committee members have indicated they are prepared to carry on in a particular role but this should not preclude people from thinking they wont be accepted. Contact one of us and we will endevour to fill all the roles to ensure the safe and successful future of Lincsquad during 2017.

Positions are;

Chairperson – leads the direction of the club.

YouthChair – leads the direction of the Youth Academy

Club Secretary – controls admin, renews affiliations and insurance.

Treasurer – in charge of club finances

Coaching Secretary – liases with coaches to ensure coached sessions are covered, coaching qualifications are up to date, coached sessions venues are booked.

Membership Secretary – controls membership and club kit.

TT Secretary – controls lincsquad tt series’ liases with CTT.

Race/Events Secretary – responsible for booking race venues, updating risk Assessments and liasing with race venues and other local authorities.

Social Secretary – non committee position but feedsback to committee on social functions throughout the year (Awards night, Christmas party, etc)

David Hinch

Club Secretary 2016

Lincsquad thank – you night 2016

As a thank you to all our helpers, marshals and supporters for all their efforts during 2016 we invite you to join us at the King William IV Scawby Brook November 23rd 2016 from 1930hrs until late.

Its an oportunity to meet more lincquadders, have a bit of a drink (on a school night!) and generally have a laugh.

See you there Squadders!

This Month’s Q&A with Lincsquad’s Louise Beedham.

How does it feel being recently crowned British Quadrathlon Age group Champion?

I feel amazing it has taken a lot of hard work, determination and training over the last two years to make it possible for me to complete the Quadratholn series. Continue reading

“On it like a car bonnet” Graham Cowan’s IM Barca race report

I’m an Ironman! That sounds really great, and for me I’m so proud, this was a step into the big league of triathlon and if I’m honest one I didn’t really think I could achieve.

It all started a couple of years ago when after several years of inactivity due to work commitments, the naturally competitive streak got the better of me and I decided I wanted to have a go at Triathlon Continue reading

Cannings can can at IM Barcalona

2nd October 2016, 08.00am Calella beach the start line of Ironman Barcelona.

How the chuffing hell did I end up here?

To paraphrase my culinary hero Keith Floyd “Well dear reader if you’ll come over here you’ll see”. Indulge me in a small Scooby Doo moment and step back in time, to 11.16am Sunday October 23rd 2005 because that’s where all this nonsense really started, and it started with a bang. By a bang I mean a near apocalyptic full on explosive bang. Continue reading

Team Saxon become Team Animis

Many of you who have attended our coached swim and run sessions will at some time have been under the watchfull eyes of Fred,Jacqui and Oliver Saxon – Formerly Team Saxon and now Team Animis. They’ve been with the club a long time and given Ollies recent race success we thought it was time to find out what makes them tick.animis3 Continue reading

Just another weekend for Team Butterill? – 3 first time triathletes, 2 birthdays and 1 fire alarm

Not a family to do things by halves, we thought let’s have a two birthday celebrations and three first timer triathlons jammed into one weekend. Would like to say it’s as we are enthusiastic and can take on anything but afraid it’s more stupidity!

Continue reading

Team Chappill Team Relays Team Quads

As some of you may now it has been quite a while since I had to do one of these and having been quite vocal about the lack of race reports posted on the forum thought I better put pen to paper (for you young ones that’s how we old one’s used to write stuff before the days of electronic gadgets). Continue reading