PBs Galore, like never before

Here at TT Towers we love nothing more than pouring over the results of previous rounds to see if anything leaps out at us.

Well how’s about this for something impressive, almost half of the riders from Round 6 recorded PBs, that’s a whopping 17 out 35 riders. Or if you want to put it another way, 48.5714286% of riders went faster than they’ve ever been on the LQ10/2 course. Or to put it yet another way ……………………….. Ok, we’ll stop there.
So, ‘Who were they and what sort of PB do they do?’ we hear you ask…………………………
Stuart Wells – 19 seconds
Sheehan Quirke – 20 seconds
Mark Jackson – 1 minute 55 seconds
Kev Wilson – 5 seconds
Steve Hall – 33 seconds
Craig Elliott – 19 seconds
Andy Veitch – 51 seconds
Camilla Morgan – 10 seconds
Jacob Riby – 43 seconds
Darren Scutt – 3 seconds
Vikki Wilson – 1 second
Jen Worsley – 12 seconds
Malcolm Marshall – 28 seconds
Catherine Smart – 41 seconds
Karen Braithwaite – 12 seconds
Sue Marshall – 4 minutes 36 seconds
Cheryl Orr – 8 seconds
Chapeau to these guys, but also a massive well done to everyone on the night. Many of those who didn’t PB came mighty close on the night, only missing out by a matter of seconds. The good news is that there is chance to PB again on Wednesday this week. That’s right it’s Round 7 on Wednesday 3rd July at the King Billy and for just £4 you can go for it again. The weather conditions look absolutely perfect for another night of PB smashing so rest up, eat sensibly and remember to bring exactly the same lucky clothes as last time (not forgetting your bike and helmet of course).

See you on Wednesday.