Keyo Brigg Bomber – Entries now Open

Once again LincsQuad are pleased to announce that on May 28th, 2023, at the Ancholme leisure centre in Brigg we will be hosting the Keyo Brigg Bomber.

The event will consist of both a Standard distant Triathlon and Quadrathlon and is open to athletes of all abilities and experience. The Quadrathlon will also feature as the European Championships welcoming athletes from all over the world.

If you feel you are not quite up to doing the full event why not get some friends together and enter as a Team. We offer the options of 2, 3 or 4 people, are aim being to encourage people just to take part, hoping that it may encourage them to, maybe, do the full event the following year.

LincsQuad have recognised the fact that the cost of living has risen, so we have taken the decision to offer a tiered entry price. Starting with a no frills through to all the bells and whistles.

One thing that we have not changed is the support every entry will be given by our volunteer marshals.

Both the Triathlon and Quadrathlon are run under the Governing bodies guidelines and the event permitted by the local councils Event Safety management group (ESAG).

To enter see our events page and select your event.

Hope to see you there

LincsQuad Events committee.

Keyo Brigg Bomber dates announced, entries opening soon

Once again LincsQuad are pleased to announce that on May 28th, 2023, at the Ancholme leisure centre in Brigg we will be hosting the Keyo Brigg Bomber.

The event will consist of both a Standard distant Triathlon and Quadrathlon and is open to athletes of all abilities and experience.

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Keyo Brigg Sprint BQA race report

To read about the last Quadrathlon of 2022 hosted by Lincsquad click here.

Keyo Brigg Sprint 2022 Live Results

To follow competitors as they progress through the course and to see final timing click here

LincsQuad TT Championship results

In lieu of no LAYAS this year and on behalf of our TT Secretary Jane Taylor, please find the 2021 TT series results. Congratulations to Jayne Baldwin and Sheehan Quirke taking overall 1st places.

To be eligible for the Male and Female LincsQuad Championship, all competitors needed to complete a minimum of 6 from 11 TT’s rounds, be a LincsQuad member by round 5 and marshal at least one round.

Pictured above are Jayne and Sheehan who both also won the King William trophies for the fastest times by Lincsquad members over the course the 2021 season. Both were presented by Peter, landlord of the King William at the last of the series on the 1st September.

BQA Annual Report and Virtual AGM 2022

Jean Ashley BQA Secretary

Dear BQA Race Organizers and Affiliates,

First and foremost I hope you have all stayed fit and healthy in what has been another challenging year for many of us!

I started last year’s Annual Report with these words …. ‘As most of you will know, I’m never stuck for words, but for once I didn’t really know where to start putting together our BQA Report ….’ Well it’s not been quite that bad this time …. thanks to you race organizers we did manage to have 3 Quads in our calendar and most of us managed at least one of them! Lets hope by next season we will all be firing on all cylinders! Motivation to train is often fueled by race adrenaline, so let’s hope we can back to racing, and put events in our calendar to fuel our passion!

As always we really appreciate your support and commitment to our sport and thank-you for organizing your Quadrathlon Races. We’ve have some great races organized by you and your ‘Teams’ all extremely hard working volunteers who give up there time each year, please thank them all again on behalf of the BQA.

You can read the ‘2021 BQA Annual Report and Virtual AGM’ click here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any ideas, suggestions or comments, all will be most welcome, Thank-you.

We really hope you can continue to organize a Quadrathlon/Kayak Tri in your race calendar. We will promote your event and help out as much as we can to get as many athletes as possible at your race, lets keep our sport moving forwards!

Wishing you all a safe winter’s training and racing and hears to be a Wonderful Adventurous 2022!

See you all Next Year

Best Wishes Jean

The sun shone on another Keyo Brigg Sprint

Congratulations to Steve Clark in taking top spot of the 2021 Keyo Brigg Sprint for a record 4th time. Ben Snell and Phil Gibbs took 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Katie Over took 1st overall female with Sophie Hedges in 2nd and Jenny Stanning taking 3rd place.

Team Hall took the Family award by only 2 seconds in a close fought finish.

Full results are available on our Triathlon Events page.

TT11 – The End

The final TT was a return to the conditions that prevailed at the start of the series: coldish with a strong gusty North wind that made the return leg tough going. However, no roadworks (HURRAY), no mountains of muck off the tractors, no convoy of harvesting machinery, no speed detectors and the season was completed without a single train interrupting proceedings.

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TT10 18th August

I was somewhat aghast when roadworks appeared in Hibaldstow with traffic lights in both directions.  Imagine my dismay when I got to Scawby Brook and found more roadworks and lights over the start and finish line.  The latter was resolved by moving further down the road so that the lights did not impinge on the course.  Donna and Jeff nobly manned the section in Hibaldstow and were kept very busy noting all the stoppages.  A huge thank you to them both.  The results took some disentangling.

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Much improved weather for TT8 21st July

After the horrendous weather that led to the cancellation of TT7, the sun came back out to play.  Not a frozen marshal in sight and some cracking times.  The only down side was that the sunshine and heat seemed to have spawned an outbreak of agricultural machinery and other traffic on the roads which led to some rider frustration.

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